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Sculpture & Assembly
These sculptures started out as an escape from my painting. When I’m too afraid to continue painting, I start working on new techniques to ease the mind. I counld’t help but fall in love with working three-dimensionally. Just ‘messing around’ in materials I don’t fully control is a blast. I’m quite content with the results.
The figures in ceramic clay are hatching the next generation. Their upcoming parenthood weighs heavily on some, others take it lightly. In any case, they are having a meeting how the world should look like for the next generation. What will be their values? What will we teach them, in an ever-changing world?
Sculpture & Assembly
These sculptures started out as an escape from my painting. When I’m too afraid to continue painting, I start working on new techniques to ease the mind. I counld’t help but fall in love with working three-dimensionally. Just ‘messing around’ in materials I don’t fully control is a blast. I’m quite content with the results.
The figures in ceramic clay are hatching the next generation. Their upcoming parenthood weighs heavily on some, others take it lightly. In any case, they are having a meeting how the world should look like for the next generation. What will be their values? What will we teach them, in an ever-changing world?